Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

The First Day of School -- is it that time already? This summer has just blown by! The kids get the special privilege of starting school twice this year. They started school yesterday at their old school and then we move next week and they start a new school two weeks later. Worst part is buying 2 sets of school supplies! :-(

Yesterday X was up at the crack of dawn literally and came into my room to tell me to look outside. This was the view...
Beautiful! I told him that Grandpa Bob must have told GOD to paint the sky a pretty color for his first day of kindergarten.
X, baby and I sat out on the porch and just watched the sky for a little bit before gearing up for the first day of school.

Here is my kids looking SO grown up!

Happy smiling kindergartner

R was so eager to hold x's hand and show him around and bring him to his line at school. She was an old pro since she did this same thing last year!

Here is X practicing lining up in front of class.

He was soooo super excited when I picked him up after his 1/2 day of preschool. Today starts the all day kindergarten so we will see how it goes. Happy First day of School to Everyone!!!