Wednesday, June 24, 2009

UPDATE-- On Adoption!

Okay hold on don't get to excited. But last week i sent an e-mail out to our adotion counseler to see if she has heard anything...(like if we are even on the waiting list yet or Not?!?) This was the e-mail I recieved today.

Nathan and Lynn
Yes! We have proof that you dossier is at ICBF headquarters (attached), so your dossier is "being studied" there. I am not sure what that means - but I know that is good! I know it is always nice to know it is where it is supposed to be - and that someone is reviewing it. Let me know if you have other questions.

So i guess this is good news. We e-mailed last week because on June 16th - it was our year anniversary since signing the papers and starting the road ot adoption.

That is all the information we have... nothing else.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome Home Archie!

So Archie is home!!! The vet said he went through the surgery with flying colors. She said he whimpered once the whole time he was there. He is a trooper! They had to shave his backside to have a clean site. It makes him look so pitiful :-(
He is not going to be winning any beauty contest any time soon.
His incision site looks hurtful. He is very swollen and it looks like it hurts.
We are pampering him and giving him lots of love. It is kind of scary to know how to take care of him. Neither nate or I want to be the one to pick him up, because you don't know if he is in pain. He is on pain killers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories.

Dodger is pretty sympathetic too. he doesn't know what to think and doesn't like being seperated from his brother -- we have to keep them from getting to excited around each other. Dodger sat outside the dog room while archie was lying down. It was pretty darn cute!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Archie's surgery

Well I just got the call from the vet -- Archie made it thru surgery.

This morning he had surgery to remove the top of his femur (leg bone). He was diagnosed with Legg Perthes Disease.
While this disease is not common in Shih tzus, it does happen to very young dogs. The disease attacks his femur and tries to eat it away. They take the top of the femur out and with recovery and rehab the dog should go on to be okay. The z-rays taken have also shown significant shallow hip bones, and arthiritis. So the dr. will not be suprised if in the future Archie has to have this donw to his other leg.
Archie is the most lovable dog in the world, so I am so happy that he will be okay. Nate just says i will have to pamper him a little bit -- NOT A PROBLEM!!
Now i just have to wait for the vet to say i can take him home in a couple of days. My only fear is that the vet and nurses will fall so madly in love with him... that they won't let me take him home. ;-) He is so lovable.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers

More Pictures of Lincoln

Well, here are some of the many pictures we took on Saturday. It is very difficult to a newborn who did not sleep a wink. So the next time we go home, hopefully we will get some cute and adorable sleeping shots. Give me any feedback so I know what you think. I have learned a thing or two!

Isn't he the cutest thing!

At baptism I will have photos for each one of you.. courtesy of scott and beth. If you have a particular favorite please let me know!

I was hoping some of these photos turned out, this was taken in Grandma Aggie's travel makeup case. I love the reflection of Lincoln in the mirror. So Cute!!

A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above- A handful of happiness, a heartful of love. The mystery of life, so sacred and sweet- The giver of joy so deep and complete. Precious and priceless, so lovable, too- The world's sweetest miracle, baby is you.

Already a Buckeye Fan!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's a Boy!

Lincoln William Warnecke
June 5th, 2009
Weight: 8 lbs. 8 oz.
21 inches long

10 little fingers
10 little toes
2 little eyes
and 1 Blankemeyer nose

I know Beth and Scott have been waiting for many months for this moment and it is finally here! Mom and baby are doing great, Lincoln seem to be a very content baby. He even snorts in his sleep.... and also has some serious farts!! :-)

It's an amazing experience and I can't wait to see him again..... that is the hard part in living in Iowa, we will not be there to see everything. So we are going to have to rely on Beth sending us pictures. She better!!

Babies love to cuddle, hug, kiss and snuggle.

Babies love to cry and stay awake all night.

Babies love to be held, rocked and smelled.

Babies love to laugh, smile and not be sad.

But, most of all, babies love their Moms and Dads!

Angela McGuire