Wednesday, June 30, 2010

VBS Presentation

The older kids had Vacation Bible School last week. It took a few days for X to get used to being at a place where mommy leaves him for 3 hours and comes back. the first few days he was being held when I got there and had cried. But on the last day we was all smiles and couldn't stop talking about it. I hope this makes preschool easier... I am crossing my fingers
Here is Father John and Father Bernie as Captain and Sailor Jack! R and X participated in all the skits and dancing. They loved that part!!!
Here are a few videos of the songs they sang to the parents.

my favorite song Shout to the North and the South...And guess who loved the ice cream Klondike bars at the end of the ceremony?

You guessed it!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A moment in time

day 13/ day 14 were more questions about favorite fictional and non fictional book. Since I already answered that on one of the first days.. i am not answering those questions again. I am suffering from pregnancy and mommy energy drainage the last few days and can not extend any extra energy on that.

Day 15 today though is a Moment in Time You Will Never Forget.
Okay I could be posting about my wedding day or July 28th last year the day the three sweethearts walked into our lives, or I could be posting a date in American history like September 11th that, like the Kennedy generation, I will remember where I was when I heard the twin towers had been hit. But today as I sit here pregnant and the mother of 3, I think of Missy. I think of her often, of how life is so precious and how God has plans beyond our control whatever they may be. Our Goddaughter Melissa Marie passed away on July 1st 2005. She was 18 months old and was the cutest little girl that you ever did see. This week she will have been gone for 5 years. Our family's life had changed the moment she stepped out of our lives. We all learned not to take life for granted and to hold on to ever moment you have with the one's you love.
Nate and I had only moved to Iowa one week before she passed away. It made it living here very difficult because we weren't there to give hugs and comfort when our family needed it. We had to rely on communication and over the phone conversations to help us through that very rough time. We do now hold every time we are together with family precious. Time is something given to us from up above and we must not squander it away with petty arguments and disagreements.
As a mom now I constantly worry about something happening to my children, but it is out of my control. The only thing I can do is love them and enjoy every minute I have holding them. I think about this alot now that I am pregnant and 23 weeks along and constantly worrying about losing this baby girl before I get a chance to hold her in my arms. After 3 miscarriages it is hard to think that this pregnancy will have a happy ending but I have to remember it is not in my control and if we had not had as hard of time getting pregnant and gone through ALL of that we would not have the family we have today. We would have never decided to adopt, we never would have considered taking a sibling group of 3, we never would have met our 3 amazing kids, and we would have never had the joys we have in our life today.
So today I remember "Missy Me" and know she is looking down on us in heaven and smiling. She is my guardian angel not protecting me from bad things that are bound to happen, but helping me cope with the bad things that happen and helping me grow stronger because of them. Love you Missy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband Nate. We have been married 6 years today and coming this December we will have been together 15 YEARS.... that is since 1995. He helped me learn to drive, my first kiss, my date to each and every wedding that we have attended, my best friend and soul mate.

Our anniversary is a celebration of the day we promised to give each other a lifetime of LOVE. We have a marriage built on friendship and respect - a partnership made of patience and understanding... he helps me be a better person, wife and mother. We help each other reach for dreams that I would have only imagined reaching one day, but being with one another we can reach those dreams. I love him more and more each day and can't wait to spend another 50+ years together.

I still remember vividly meeting you during band camp and us being band "family members". You teased me like crazy and we had nicknames for each other.... horse manure and horse sh**.. so enduring right?? Really what were we thinking?? We were in high school and became really good friends writing notes back and forth and talking between classes in the hallway. It still makes me smile when I remember slowly falling in love with my best friend!
This is the first picture I have of Nate and I. It was taken at Grandma Schulte's house on Christmas. (I think I am wearing suspenders... what was I thinking!!)
This was taken at my first homecoming as a freshman. It was the first time I ever had my hair done and all my thick hair was put on the top of my head!! I was almost taller than Nate!!
This was prom Nate's Junior year and my Freshman year. I was one of I think 2 girls that were allowed to go to prom our freshman year. I loved that dress, I felt like a princess in it!

This was prom Nate's Senior year.
Both of us dressed up for a cousin's wedding. Boy are we growing up!! I love that we have all these photos of us growing up... and they are you and me together!! Our lives were intertwined the moment we met.

Here we are in college. We both were buckeyes and got to attend lots of Buckeye games together.
Our wedding day 6 years feels like yesterday. It was one of the most wonderful days of my life. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I remember last year when you went to France for work and I told mom that there has only been a few days that I can remember that we didn't say "I love you" to each other every day. But even in France you found ways of talking to me and saying "I love you" almost everyday. I am so lucky to have you as my husband!!
Here we are sooo tan on our honeymoon!!
Wow looking at this collection of pictures you really haven't changed Nate!! But my hair has changed drastically!!! :-)

Happy Anniversary to the most wonderful husband in the whole world!!!

It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Amazement of a tripod

Day 9: A photo you took

I took this picture with our gorillapod (funky travel tripod) on our trip to Glacier Nat'l Park in 2008. Can't wait to go back some day with the kids and climb up the amazing trails and explore nature with them!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Kathy!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Kathy!!!

My sister Kathy's birthday is today. I wish her lots of blessings and happy birthday wishes. She is an amazing person and the best big sister ever!! I can always count on her when I need her, like when she came this winter to stay with the kids while our oldest had surgery or when I needed a place to live my senior year of college and she let me become her roomate. You are so special and are one of the most generous people I know. Have a rockin birthday and enjoy a small song and dance from your nieces and nephew who think you are the coolest!!

Check out Xavier doing the mr. roboto... and glorianna has started to try to break dance!!!
The crack me up!!

If your happy and you know it!

Day 7: A photo that makes me happy.... no explanation needed

Day 8: A photo that makes you sad
This was a photo taken last february when Nate and I took a mission trip to Columbia with Opportunity International and got to see small business owners who are getting loans from OI and how they are using that money to grow and prosper in Columbia. It was an eye opening experience to see how many of these people live. The picture on the top is in a woman's house where she sells medicine, school supplies, etc. (nate bought 2 spanish school books from her to help us with our spanish!!) She has dirt floors in her home and lives in the village in the 2nd picture. She was a wonderful woman (very young and recently married) and was so happy to be recieving a loan to help her business and make money to help her family.
The picture makes me sad because to think of all the luxuries we live with here in the US and the things we take for granted and they live happily with dirt floors. I have been complaining about ants in my house!! Now this puts it in perspective. I should be more greatful for all the things the Lord has provided for me and give more to the Lord and others who are less fortunate than I.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What tickles my fancy

Okay didn't you know Day 6 is Whatever tickles my Fancy.... and what tickles my fancy is annoying and teasing my family. Haha

Now don't get me wrong I hate to be teased myself, but annoying the family by keeping them in the dark is FUN!! Nate hates to be teased as much as me. If I try to keep something from him he usually resorts to tickle torture to get the information out of me. He tickles me til i have to go pee and I just give up the information because nothing is worth peeing in your pants for!! :-) So teasing tickles my fancy literally!!

But seriously... here are some of the very first pictures of him/her

So do you want to know what we are having a boy or a girl?? It's a GIRL!! I pink wearing princess.

This is looking at her bottom! Very hard to tell... but apparently something is missing!

I told the kids when I picked them up from Vacation Bible School that we were having a baby girl and R was so excited!! X asked "where is the boy?" Poor kid will be in a house full of girls...but he will be an excellent big brother to the baby. G was excited too... but I think that was more to do with going to eat at McDonald's and not that she was having a baby sister. What can I say the girl loves food! I showed the kids the ultrasound pictures, but the only one truly interested was R. She even pointed out the foot and arm. She keeps saying that she is going to help me clean all the poopy diapers. Yeah for Mommy!!!

So sorry to keep you in suspense... but I like to tease... especially Grandma Pam :-)

Okay and here is a picture of the belly... yes I know I look 8 months pregnant and I am only 22 weeks right now. BUT I have only gained 6 lbs. I swear!!!! Baby is only 1 lb 1 oz. right now so I can only imagine what the next 18 weeks have instore for my body. Maybe it was the salty popcorn I had at the movie theater yesterday and I am just retaining a little fluid that I look so huge already! maybe??

It's a ....

Okay -- it is no secret I have been exceptionally nervous. The fact that I am carrying a child, our child, still is a bit abstract. Even now when I am showing and feeling the baby kick, it still feels surreal. I have started to somewhat think about the future, I did register and we did start discussing where this baby is going to sleep in the house and we even thought about a few names. But at the same time I have played it out in my head a hundred times on how we would tell the kids if the baby didn't grow in mommy's tummy anymore and we had yet another miscarriage. I don't know if I will ever get over this dreaded feeling the whole pregnancy, but I have been excited and looking forward to having our ultrasound. (I haven't been all doom and gloom) This will be our third ultrasound for this pregnancy. We haven't had one since 10 1/2 weeks so it has been along time waiting to make sure it is still there. Yes we have heard the heartbeat numerous times and every time it is a relief, but there is something about seeing the baby on the screen and seeing it move that is magical.

I know it is not in my control of how this pregnancy will go and if something bad happens it is god's will. I know this in my head, but my heart is attached to this little bundle.

The Ultrasound was this morning and the picture on the screen is so hard to see. The nurse says here is the head, "do you see that?" we reply "yep" (when really everything looks the same) We could make out limbs like the feet and arms, but really the butt, head, and belly all look the same. We got to hear the heartbeat once again going at 154 beats per minute -- music to our ears! The nurse tried to get a good shot of the baby girl/baby boy parts, but wouldn't you know the baby was snug as a bug with his/her legs squished together. She tried again after she took all the measurements but baby was still not cooperating.... not a good omen on what is to come! ;-) Then Nate suggested that I lay on my side (that usually gets the baby to move) and wouldn't you know when I layed on my side the baby moved positions... to tucking his/her feet underneath his/her body. Oh NO!

Then we started talking to the baby telling him/her how mad Grandma Pam is going to be when we don't know what the sex is. Not that Grandma Pam really wants to know (but she does have the patience of Nate!! ) but Pam is going to think we are lying since we have said all along we were going to find out. Then the baby cooperated (must have not wanted to disappoint Grandma Pam) and seemed to stretch out a little, and we got a peek!!

More information to follow.....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Day to Celebrate All Fathers

Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there!

This year is especially special because of the three beautiful children that have come into our lives. Mother's Day was like a dream to experience with my kids making me breakfast in bed and realizing I am a mom forever!! I hope Nate's day today is just as wonderful.

To my father and my father-in-law, we think of you on this day and are so blessed to have both of you in our lives. Your role in our lives is JUST AS IMPORTANT today as it was when we were little...if not more! You have given Nate and I the greatest foundation of what a father would truly be. You have been there in the tough times and in the good times, and have always been there to cheer us on! And thank you for being great grandpas to our little ones. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved!
Here is a blast from the past, I am not sure what year this is or what vacation location but MY how we have grown. I am personally glad my hair has seemed to tame down over the years~ Oh and if you can't tell, I am the one in the awesome shades! Dad -- my heart melts every time I see you with our little babies. I cherish every moment and love love to see the way they absorb everything their Grandpa Bob tells them.

To Bill -- it has been wonderful being in your family the last 15 years! You made me feel like one of the family the day I met you. I can't thank you enough for raising such a wonderful son, and instilling in him such great values, the values I admire most. Thank you for making him into the man he is today!
...and to our own daddy, you truly are the best daddy in the world!! And watching you with the kids makes me fall in love with you each and everyday. You didn't have much time to practice this whole dad thing, but you instantly knew what to do. You do a million little things to make each one of our children feel extra special, and you know just what to say and when to just give them a hug. I can't wait for the coming years to see you as a father of little grown-ups because I know you amaze me!! Thank you for loving them in only a way a daddy can. Thank you for making many wonderful memories with them that they will cherish forever. Thank you for being a great role model for our son so he can grow up to be a great dad like you! Thank you for already being in love with the little boy/ girl growing inside me who will call you dada next year. Thank you for being an amazing husband and a best friend, I could never think of anyone I would want to share this journey with besides you. Thank You, Thank You!!
I also wanted to acknowledge that it is my parents wedding anniversary today too!
I am the most blessed person in the world to have them as my parents. They have been the best parents a person could ask for. My parents have seen it all richer, poorer, sickness, health... love, honor, well not so much on the obey side, but you can't have everything. :-) And everything has only made them stronger as a couple. They've seen their kids grow up and make families of their own. And they were good parents. They taught us the importance of Christ in our lives and for that I am eternally grateful.

I can honestly say the following:
I've never gone to bed hungry.
I had a roof over my head - and what's more, while growing up, I've never thought I'd ever be homeless.
I've never had to pay for my education.
I knew that if I were sick at school, mom would be there pick me up and take care of me.
I was spanked when I needed it. But that wasn't very often! :-)
It was inconceivable for my father to be out late at a bar, or partying until the early hours of the morning.
I knew we were all going to sit down for supper together and not eat until dad got home from work.

To live a balanced life. To work some, and play some, and to always keep my home life as a priority. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Thank you for being the best parents ever!!

Oh and i have to add day 5 of day of me -- and how appropiriately is it to add some of my favorite quotes in here!!

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. ~Helen Keller

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. ~C. S. Lewis

Every child is a miracle, Especially those who come after years of waiting and hoping.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder, You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger, May you never take one single breath for granted, GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed, I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean, Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens, Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance....
Leeann Womack from the song "I hope you dance"

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

~~Everyone enjoy Father's Day and remember your father today whether they are with you or not, or if they are in heaven or here on earth. You would not be here without them.

Happy Father's Day!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 3 & 4

Okay here are two days in one post... yesterday I didn't have alot of free time. The kids were out playing in the pool and mommy was getting sun (while it was out!). We had a terrible storm come through at about lunch time, just enough time for us to eat our lunch inside and then the sun was out and weather wonderful once again. Everything was just a little soggy. Nate left this morning for golfing in a tournament in town, I imagine he will come home a mess from how wet the course is going to be. But I hope he has a good time and shoots good for his first time out golfing all summer. Life has jsut been so busy neither one of us have gotten out to play any golf this summer. Bummer! :-( So i didn't blog yesterday but here are 2 days in one... Here you go!

Day 3: Your favorite tv program

huh... another toughy how do you pick just one? There are a few shows I really like such as: Law and Order, Kate plus 8 [previously Jon and Kate plus 8 :-( ], top chef, amazing race, and hoarders - buried alive. There is a theme here with alot of reality tv shows, sue me I like reality! But my favorite show that I hate to miss an episode and if I do I am very disappointed would have to be The Biggest Loser.

I love that all the contestants are giving such great support to their fellow contestants and I love love the trainers. My favorite is Jillian because she is hard nosed and really expects alot out of the contestants and pushes them to do their best. If I got to pick she would be my trainer! And after this baby is born I really need her!! ;-)
Day 4: Your favorite book

Well, I haven’t had a lot of time to read a book lately. Magazines yes, Mail yes, Facebook statuses yes, but books NO. The latest book I read was when I was home in Ohio in May and I read two books in a few days. The books were written by Randy Alcorn a fictional Christian author and they were both GREAT! But one of my favorite books has to be The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend it. I read it a couple years ago and it was a book that I needed a box of tissues by the end.
Great Read!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Killing time... quite the adventure

Yesterday was a wonderful day because there was NO rain!! YEAH!!! Mommy and the kids were so happy. After running a few errands in the morning I promised the kids we would go to the park to play. The kids stood up to their end of the bargain and were EXCELLENT at both the grocery store and the post office, so we headed to the park with smiles on our faces. It was hot and humid and after playing at full speed awhile the kids needed to replenish fluids.

We also finally pulled the big pop up house out of the garage and played in yard. The girls were making me cookies in the stove and trying to coax the dogs through the doggy door. They weren't successful in getting the dogs to use the door, but X loved it!! heehee Then today we woke up bright and early to bring the new van into the shop in Des Moines to get a few things done to it that should have been done before we got the van. I knew the detailing and scotch guarding would take at least 5 hours, so me and the kids were ready to kill an entire day goofing off in the big city. After dropping the van off and transferring all three carseats into a loaner vehicle, we were off to the Blank Park Zoo. The kids were giddy when we got to the zoo. All of them had a particular animal they wanted to see and I think we saw all the ones they wanted to see and more. The two older kids even rode a Camel!! It was pretty fascinating to watch!!

Here they are feeding the goats.... much hand cleaning was done after this activity. I had to scour my purse for all the quarters to feed almost each and every animal.
All the kids loved getting some energy out at the playground. They crawled through dinosaur bones and slid down the slide and got lost in a maze of a playground.

I think the highlight of today for X was the train! He loved it when the train went into a tunnel and tooted its horn... X just giggled and said "Mom, the train said Choo Choo!" The kids had a great time exploring and R was in heaven being the tour guide showing her brother and sister what she did the last time she was at the zoo.
Moments like this are priceless!
By 12:00 the kid's stomachs were growling and everyone including mommy was sweaty and hot. So we hopped into the loaner vehicle and headed to the mall. I checked the movie theater times for kids movies and Shrek Forever After and we needed to wait at least an hour. So to kill more time, we ate at Champps outside on their patio and little did mommy know that with every kids lunch came a free sundae. Thank goodness the waiter asked if he should bring them out, and instead of each one of the kids getting one I asked for one sundae and 3 spoons. The kids indulged on a Hot Fudge Sundae and X got the special treat of eating the cherry on top! The highlight of lunch was when the song "ride sally ride" was on the radio and all the kids start dancing in their seats to the music. Luckily we were the only ones on the patio so the kids just had a ball!! We then went to the movie 30 minutes early... the kids were exhausted by this point and really just wanted to nap and go to bed. But all three of them stayed up for the entire movie. We got out of the movie close to 4 pm (keep in mind this had been 5 1/2 hours of killing time already) and then I checked my voicemail to see if the VW dealer called and said the car was ready. AND boy was I disappointed. The dealership had called at 2 (15 minutes after the movie started) and said they ran into problems installing the remote start and we would have to pick it up the next day. Talk about frustrating!! I was at my breaking point at that time and pretty much balled to Nate on the phone saying "I wish I would have known about this hours ago it would have saved us lots of money and time!!" UGH!!! So by the time I got off the phone with Nate and then the guy at the dealership all three kids were sleeping so onward to home we went in the new van with only 100 miles on it. It was a lovely day with the kids but it came with obstacles as well. R already does not look forward to making the same drive tomorrow. Her exact words were "do we have to??" .... my feelings exactly. So right now the kids are upstairs hurting imaginary bad guys and mommy is laying on the couch with her feet up. What an exciting life!

And on to Day 2 of 30 days of me...
Day 2: Your Favorite Movie

Wow, this is going to be hard. I have my favorite comedy [the christmas story] , my favorite romantic movie [gone with the wind], my favorite disney movie [beauty and the beast --but "up"is now a close second], my favorite musical made to movie[the phantom of the opera - the newest version], my favorite inspiring movie [the blind side], BUT I guess if I really had to narrow it down to one all-time favorite movie that i never ever get tired of watching it would be "White Chiristmas."
Now, if you know me you know that my birthday is only 2 days before christmas. And christmas is my favorite time of the year! I go soooo overboard for christmas, the decorations, the holiday treats, the christmas songs starting in August.... you name it I do it! White Christmas has so many great songs to sing to. I think I have probley watched this movie 100 times at least. It is awesome and everyone needs to listen to "count your blessings instead of sheep!"

.... you know this blog now gets me in the mood for christmas songs. Maybe I should add the christmas playlist back on my ipod..... nahhhh, it's not july yet! ;-)