Yes, We have been still doing lots of work on the house, BUT we have gotten out and done a few things. Me and the "babies" (aka two youngest girls in the house) have had so much fun doing a few things here or there during the week. Last week we made our inaugural trip to the mall. Oh what fun!!! Our first stop was Barnes and Noble. Gigi and I had fun looking at all the books and found a little nook in the store to read a few. Lil Miss layed in her stroller and listened along.
She had such a hard time picking just ONE book to read, there were SOOOOO many. I told her we would be back to read more.
We even found a Dora section. She was in heaven!!! Dora is still her favorite thing in the whole wide world. Someday I hope she grows out of it, but then we have a little girl right behind her that will probley be into it then! UGH!
This girl makes me smile! I had seen this hat on gymboree's website for possible Christmas outfits... now after seeing the hat on her, how can I not get it? It makes it tough when the kids look so adorable in EVERYTHING!!!
We also have been spending quality time going out to eat once in awhile. I have to make sure we don't do it very often because there is a certain other girl who gets EXTREMELY jealous, but once in a week me and the girls find a day to go out. Gigi always brings her purse wherever we go. Sometimes we even forget it at places and mommy has to drive back and get it. I can laugh now, but was upset when she realized it! :-) Last week Gigi got to pick the restaurant and she wanted pancakes. So IHOP it was! She is growing up to be quite the lady.
On Sunday we visited the local family museum. It was a fun family time. The kids were able to explore different areas and each of them had their favorite things to do. Outside they had a playground and a watertable area. Lil miss liked the water area and splashed away in the puddles.
Big sister assisted in filling up the tables to splash in.
Dad, the engineer, had to see how it all worked. maybe he took notes and we can get one of these in the backyard next year..... or we can just visit the family museum again and again. LOL
One of the things that made me really happy last week was to find a hidden gem! Me and the girls found a cute park right on the Mississippi River. You can see it in the background. It was all fun, until gigi had to go potty and we had to leave reluctantly. I took lots of pictures of the girls with my camera. Pictures to come soon!
Rosie had her first birthday party this past weekend -- Mommy took her to target to pick out a gift and a card. Seriously the card picking out took FOREVER!! That is why I had enough time to take a pic because we were literally reading every card in the girl aisle 2/3 times! But she wanted the perfect card for her friend Cassie. Buying the gift was even harder because she didn't want to give Cassie anything that she wanted. I would point out a gift and she would say "but mom that is what I want for MY birthday." NO matter how much mommy tried to explain that just because you give it to Cassie doesn't mean that you won't get it for your birthday. I also tried to get her to comprehend that she is NOT going to get everything that she wants... because her wish list is a mile long... and that is not joking.
Saturday afternoon was when we started tearing out the kitchen cabinets in anticipation of my pantry cabinet coming soon. We also started painting the two last areas of the house that we are going to do for awhile... the kitchen and the 1/2 bath.
Lil miss was a big help. hee hee Someday we will have all the construction/housework done so she can roam around this house. Someday...... After working so hard, daddy wanted to treat the kids for being so good and took us to Olive Garden. It was delicious.
Here is daddy showing Rosie the proper way to cut broccoli. Our kids are pretty lucky to be eating at a fancy restaurant and we thought we would TRY to show them some etiquette. Trying to eat everything with your fingers is probley not the best way to eat here. Lil miss just found some reading material to occupy her time.

Here is the kitchen.... in process. As you can see the diamond backsplash is getting painted over. This makes momma VERY HAPPY!
Now it is time for me to get off the computer and get one more area tackled before my babies wake up from nap. OR stay on the computer and get sucked into Facebook and Pinterest. Which would be more fun?????