Lily has seemed to find her toes, crawl and start talking alot all in the last month or so!! The crawling is getting really good and she scoots back pretty good already. At this pace we will be walking in a couple months. It helps that she has 3 older siblings to show how to do everything!!
{mommy trying to catch a little nap with lily}
We have had many tea parties. The one this weekend was special because mom surprised them with peeps for crumpits. They always hold hands and pray before they partake in the bounty!! :-)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Opening Day!!
We are anxiously awaiting tonight when we can watch the dodgers on tv. The boys are excited, and mommy is indifferent. :-) Everyone was decked out this morning even lily with her dodger socks on!
{thanks Uncle jeff for my awesome dodgers jersey!! He was so excited to put it on this morning!! Then I told him he didn't have preschool and he got mad he couldn't show his teacher :-( }
Monday, March 21, 2011
march madness
March madness has hit the house!!! We all can't get enough of those buckeyes and are ready to cheer them on before every game. Our biggest fan is Xavier..... he jsut lvoes to sit in the living room and watch the entire game mezmorized by the big guys on the court. Love his passion!!!
{All ready to watch the buckeyes!!}
Spring is Here!!!
The kids are just full on energy and being outside has done wonders to getting that energy out!!!!
{at the park ... even the dogs were on our family walk}
{ we dusted off the soccer ball out of the garage and started plaing with that almost everyday. Soccer practice will be here before we know it!}
{even dodger was loving the spring weather and wanted to play!}
Flip Flop weather!!! YEAH!!! What's not to love!
A momma's delight to see the kids playing nicely together!!!
The Kids are loving this weather so much. Here is a picture of Glorianna with some kids from her preschool class. {she is i the OSU red sweatshirt} It was so fun to spy on her playing with all the kids from her class. Such a social butterfly when she wants to be.
St Patty's we celebrated in the morning with green eggs and ham (yes I know the ham is not green YUCK!) The kids were all smiles.... no one wanted to get pinched so we all wore green!!
Lily has loved getting outside as well. The stroller has become her favorite place to snooze! {Vicki -- do you notice the hat? She has gotten so many compliments on it!}
Of course the girls are still going to dance getting ready for their big recital in May. Here is glorianna getting limbered up!
This past saturday Nate and I divided up the kids; he taking the two oldest and I the two youngest. I went to our friends baby shower and Nate took the other two to the park and to get ice cream. Our friends Bryan and Lexi and their new baby girl Addyson came into town from the quad cities so it was really great getting to see them!
{Lexi and Glorianna}
Julie, the mommy to be!!!
Lily and Todd's mom, Linda. Lily was a little angel at the shower and was just so content to have everyone gush over her! She is used to alot of attention.
They were exhausted and I think they had alot of fun. I know glorianna loved being the center of attention at the shower and helping open gifts. But she did inform me on the way home that we should of brought Julie balloons so she could have brought one home. Oh and 2 extra for her brother and sister too!! (always looking out for her siblings)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
runny noses and sneezes and vomit.... OH MY!!!
Okay can I finally breathe?!? This week has been so crazy hectic -- I think I say that alot -- but no really there was only one day this week that all three of the oldest went to school! UGH!!! We started out on Monday getting a call from Rosetta's school saying she wasn't feeling well. And if you know her she does NOT complain. I mean she broke her arm and didn't shed a tear until I told her she couldn't go to school the next day. She complained her ears and eyes hurt and her eyes did look a bit swollen. I had her lay down until we could go pick up her brother and sister. When she got up she looked really bad..... she couldn't even get her eyes open without a wash cloth to take away the puss that was seeping out.
So needless to say we pretty much stayed in and didn't go anywhere for a few days except the dr. On tuesday is when Glorianna started feeling bad, her tummy hurt. After lunch she threw up and continued to throw up everything she ate until thursday. It has been a VERY long week. It is a good thing that last weekend was mommy's get away weekend. I enjoyed evy minute of it (just peace and quiet) except for beth and kathy arguing just like my kids. Just Kidding!
{crab bites and wine YUM!!}
Shopping on Michigan Ave. -- doesn't get more fun. We had a good time shopping, eating GREAT food, and lots of girl talk. I think we all agreed it has to be an annual thing (sorry boys!!)
After a long day of shopping and lugging alot of bags around all over michigan ave. we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. We had a few hours to kill so of course us girls set up a make shift card table out of luggage and play cards!!
{me and mom}
I think between the 4 of us we came home with at least 10 pairs of shoes!! No kidding. Mom was complaining of her feet being cold so we picked up some cute warm boots for her! She looks so hip!
Can't wait til next year girls!!! It was good to be back home after a weekend though. I missed the kids and Nate of course.
{glorianna and xavier checking out mommy and daddy's wedding album}
While I was gone it seems that lily has found her toes and loves to pull them to her mouth. (even though her fat rolls do not help her flexibility). Lily had her 4 month appt on thrusday afternoon. She is 97 percentile in ht and 94 percentile in wt for girls. Her weight was 16 1/2 lbs. She is a big girl!!! She is also moving like crazy -- this picture she started out under her gym.
When I came home on Sunday all the kids were taking a nap even our little thumb sucker.
Glorianna seemed to miss me the most -- she didn't want to leave mommy's lap at all. :-)
lily and daddy seemed to bond last weekend, and this is Nate's favorite past time -- taking a nap with his girl.
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