Wow I can't believe 2 weeks have flown by. Our little pumpkin is now 2 weeks old!! She has been a busy girl the last two weeks of course doing all the little things a baby does..... eat, poop, sleep. She also has gone out to dinner, went grocery shopping, watched her first OSU game, and went trick or treating (okay she really didn't go out - she more or less let the trick or treaters come to her!) We had her 2 week check up today and she is now 7 lbs. and 14 oz. Growing like a weed!!!
Aunt Kathy was here for the first couple days and helped us through the rough time of me and lily being in the hospital, and then grandpa & grandma Schulte came to visit for a week. They were a huge help and helped me with getting the kids ready for school and doing LOTS of things around the house. Everything on Nate's to do list got checked off.... it's about time!! LOL
Lily has been a great baby. A few nights she has slept for 5-6 hours straight!! Except for last night where she was up every 2 hours!! UGH!
She is able to fit into more of her clothes now that her body is filling out a little bit. Now she is the most adorable stylish girl on the block!
Mommy and Daddy are getting the hang of things around the house and getting a little shut eye when we can.
And of course R, X, and G are loving their baby sister and we can't keep her away from her. When I brought them to school on Friday they showed her off to every one of their friends and teachers.
We are all doing good and hope to see many of you soon! Uncle Neil comes in a week for the big game against Iowa so we are looking forward to that!! Hope to post more pictures soon!