Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Holiday

We got to Grandma and Grandpa Schulte at 2 am on thanksgiving morning and to our surprise we found a plate full of smiling cupcakes that Megan and Grandma Pam had made. The kids wanted a cupcake right then and there, but we convinced them to get some sleep first.
For the first time my parents finally got to meet Lily in person. They had seen her using Skype but that definitely not the same as holding her.

Oh it was wonderful to be back in Ohio for the holidays. We hadn't been to Ohio since August since I was pregnant and not really able to travel. So it was really great seeing everyone and sharing thanksgiving with them. We had ALOT to be thankful for this year -- including the finalization of the adoption, adding one more member to the family (lilyana marie), gaining a new cousin/nephew (Mason Robert Warnecke), and much much more!
Lily got to meet so many new family members! She even got to go see my grandma Aggie who is 103 years old. I was lucky enough to get a 4 generation shot of us!
Here is grandpa and grandma Blankemeyer with the two youngest grandchildren. Lily was only the youngest for 7 days before Mason was born!

Of course, No blankemeyer get together is complete without someone playing cards. It was a heated match of pinochle, but Dad and Dennis ended up winning. Nate and Kathy will have to wait for Christmas for a rematch.
Here is the first introduction of Lily and Mason. They were both perfect angels all weekend. They will have many more years to get to know each other.

There also was alot of laziness on Thanksgiving and sitting around watching football. Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without football!

On Friday night we got to get together with Nate's family. It was a whole weekend of getting to see family and eating LOTS of great food. Too bad there weren't enough leftovers for us to bring home!! :-(

Joshy getting a peek at his new cousin -- Just wait Josh you will have a new baby brother here soon enough!!
My kids loved getting to play with their cousins. They had a blast and were up way past their bedtimes many nights!!!

Here is Aunt Stacy getting her first glimpse at her new niece.
All the grandkids goofing off -- playing dressup even the boys.

Grandpa Bill with the two youngest grandchildren
On saturday was the BIG game -- OSU vs. Michigan. Our whole family was decked out in our Ohio State gear even baby lily. We got an adorable picture of Mason and Lily in their OH- IO onesies. SO CUTE!
And of course I took advantage of being home for Aunt Stacy to snap a few shots of Lily that look a little more professional than what I can do at home. Check out the cute pictures. I swear Mason & Lily don't take a bad shot!!

Beware Stacy -- I already have ideas for her 3 month pictures at chirstmas time so get ready to take more pictures of my kiddos!!! LOL I can never get enough!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

O Happy Day

Okay it is official -- after 15 months, a truckload of paperwork, several court dates, and jittery nerves that something would go wrong along the way.... the adoption is FINAL!! Yippee!!!!

God sends us many precious gifts, But there none that can compare with the wonder of our children who were the answer to our prayer. The sparkle in those shining eyes is like the twinkling stars at night in which we prayed everyday for a family of our own. No miracle's as wondrous- As this "little bit of heaven," and it is our family!!! Who would have thought that a year ago we would have 4 beautiful children and be celebrating Christmases the way we do now!! it doesn't matter how these three angels came into our lives and that i didn't give birth to them. They are our children without a doubt. I am constantly seeing Nate and I in each and everyone of them, even if they don't have our DNA. R is compassionate and loves to read just like her mommy -- X is rambunctious and athletic (just like his daddy -- okay not really :-) but he loves to build things and Nate hopes he grows up to be an engineer just like him. Nate secretly hopes all 4 of our kids are engineers LOL -- and G loves food just like her mommy!! especially carbs -- that's my girl!!

Our family has grown (ALOT) and we couldn't be happier!!

Happy Adoption Day!!!

A beutiful Adoption Poem -- The Chosen Heart

Longing for a child to love, I'd wish upon the stars above. In my heart I always knew, A part of me was meant for you. I think how happy we will be, Once I adopt you, and you adopt me. I dream of all the joy you'll bring, Imagining even the littlest things. The way it will feel to hold you tight, And tuck you in every night. The drawings on the refrigerator door, And childhood toys across the floor, The favorite stories read again and again, And hours of games with make-believe friends. The day you took my outstretched hand, A journey ended, but our lives began. Still mesmerized by your sweet face, Still warmed inside by our first embrace. I promised to give you a happy home, And a loving family all your own. A house you've now made complete, With laughter, smiles and tiny feet. A parent is one who guides the way, Know I will be there everyday. Rest easy as each night you sleep, A lifetime of love is yours to keep. Longing for a child to love, I'd wish upon the stars above. In my heart I always knew, A part of me belonged to you. Teri Harrison

Friday, November 19, 2010

Rainbow Bright Remix

The 80s are making a comeback. Legwarmers are very popular once again and this picture reminds me of my favorite childhood cartoon -- Rainbow Bright! Let's just hope tight rolled jeans and big bangs don't make a comeback!! LOL

I just had to post more adorable pictures of Lily. When she is awake she is fully awake with her eyes bright!!! Hope you like!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

The schulte household is getting ready for christmas. We have the three christmas trees up and decorated. We have christmas music playing in the house and in the car. We have our chirstmas lists written and everyone is trying to be "nice" NOT "naughty" this year. LOL Everyone has been in good moods lately and mommy especially is happy -- in only a week we will be in Ohio to see family!! YEAH! ALSO some other big news. Next week on the 23rd -- we will have our adoption day! We go to court and the kiddos names changes and they officially become Schulte's (for the good or the bad!) heehee So lots to celebrate lately--

We have also have been able to have some down time and get used to things around here. Here is Daddy and Lily working on the computer. He is trying to coax all of his girls to be engineers!! Keep dreaming daddy!!

The kids helped mommy mail out Lily's birth announcements. Here they are licking envelopes!! Mommy got out of licking all those things!!
We even got a few days of nice weather where the kids could still get outside to play!
We are all doing well. The kids all had parent teacher conferences last week and they are doing great. Rosetta's teacher just loves her and is so impressed on how well she is doing and said that she always is the first one with her hand up and with an insightful answer. Lily is a cute as ever and can't wait to meet more of her family next week. She is sleeping really well at night and mommy is getting the hang of things and o the routine of everyday. We are looking forward to the BIG game this weekend and the kids can't wait to see Uncle Neil.
Cheer on those Buckeyes!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wow I can't believe 2 weeks have flown by. Our little pumpkin is now 2 weeks old!! She has been a busy girl the last two weeks of course doing all the little things a baby does..... eat, poop, sleep. She also has gone out to dinner, went grocery shopping, watched her first OSU game, and went trick or treating (okay she really didn't go out - she more or less let the trick or treaters come to her!) We had her 2 week check up today and she is now 7 lbs. and 14 oz. Growing like a weed!!! Aunt Kathy was here for the first couple days and helped us through the rough time of me and lily being in the hospital, and then grandpa & grandma Schulte came to visit for a week. They were a huge help and helped me with getting the kids ready for school and doing LOTS of things around the house. Everything on Nate's to do list got checked off.... it's about time!! LOL

Lily has been a great baby. A few nights she has slept for 5-6 hours straight!! Except for last night where she was up every 2 hours!! UGH!

She is able to fit into more of her clothes now that her body is filling out a little bit. Now she is the most adorable stylish girl on the block!
Mommy and Daddy are getting the hang of things around the house and getting a little shut eye when we can.
And of course R, X, and G are loving their baby sister and we can't keep her away from her. When I brought them to school on Friday they showed her off to every one of their friends and teachers.
We are all doing good and hope to see many of you soon! Uncle Neil comes in a week for the big game against Iowa so we are looking forward to that!! Hope to post more pictures soon!