Okay we are in the end stages of pregnancy. My mind is going ... or is gone, whatever. I haven't taken a single
picture of the kids this week (that will
probley change drastically soon). But we have had lots of good family time with the kids. I wanted to blog about some of the
darndest things they say so I don't
forget to write them down someday when I find a pen and paper in this place!!!
Here is an update on everyone --
R is doing great in school, in fact when I talked to her teacher today she said she would love to clone Rosetta and add about 20 of her to her class. Music to a mother's ears because you never know if they act at home like they do at school. We have been packing her lunch about twice a week.. she would love to do it everyday if she had her way but mommy is WAY to busy to do it everyday. We have started to slowly ween her off naps in the afternoon after school even though
some days it is a must! She is loving dance class and tumbling -- two weeks ago they started to play
Christmas music at dance to start practicing for the
Christmas recital in
december! YEAH!! I took her today to get fitted for her first pair of glasses, she has an
astigmatism and is not seeing clearly some letters so the
dr. recommended getting them as soon as possible (G is also getting glasses but we are waiting for the spring so mommy doesn't have to try to keep a 3 year old from destroying them!!! ;-) She had fun picking out her first pair and they are purple!!! She is growing up way too fast.
X is as boyish as ever. He is usually the one hooting and hollering around the house. We put a pirate flag up on the
playset and he just loves to play pirates out there -- in fact he is being a pirate for
Halloween. He is loving soccer and practices at home every chance he gets. The teachers just love him, I saw his teacher associate tonight and she was saying how he talks about his sisters ALL the time and when he gets something out of the treasure chest he says he is going to share it with them. She told me sometimes he gets in a
giggling fit and they don't know what he is laughing at but he just can't stop!! Welcome to our world. He is writing his name exceptionally well and loves to bring books home from the library.
G is a character. She has really found her voice and loves to tell stories and talk and talk and talk. Today one of the teachers said she tried to sneak stones
from the playground into the classroom and was sticking them in her shirt under her armpits to hide them. Luckily one of our friends was subbing and she told G she could pick one stone and she would give it to her mommy. All the way home she was petting the rock and calling it her baby and kissing it. i asked her if her baby rock had a name and she looked at me like I was crazy and said " Mom, it is just a rock it doesn't have a name!" Silly me. She is still in love with eating. Actually tonight we ate out for family night at Pizza hut since R had earned a Book It coupon (remember when we would get those!!) and
Nate was quizzing G on what she liked to eat best.
Nate: Do you like
breadsticks or pizza better?
breadsticksNate: Do you like
breadsticks or cake better?
G: cake
Nate: Do you like cake or ice cream better?
G: cake
Nate: Do you like cake or cookies better?
G: (with no hesitation) cake with cookies!!
My kind of girl!!
So that is about all for right now, baby is not here yet...... we will keep you posted.