On Saturday I experimented with G's hair and gave her a kiddy perm. With the advice of our hair stylist that does R's hair I felt somewhat confident enough to attempt this without messing up her hair too much. The end result is quite astonishing. She looks soooo grown up. She is uber excited to have hair like her big sister now she wants it down to her butt! :-) Good Luck with that little girl!
Here is her close up! No little afro puff anymore.
On Monday I attempted my first bandu knots and parted her hair to put them in.... I thought she looked adorable. Don't mind the Dora band aid on her face, our first attempt at straightening her hair ended in a mishap! :-( She was sitting so still and being so good until her older sister picked up her balloon off the floor and she turned her head sharply and the mommy didn't move fast enough. OOPS!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hair Experimenting
Okay so this is a picture of what my kitchen looked like while our carpets were getting cleaned. A little chaotic, I think so. Now the house is some what put back together.
I have been doing a little bit at a time, it seems that baby sucks up alot of my energy and the three kiddos take up the other half... so housework gets put to the side for now. (or maybe forever?? :-)
Monday, September 20, 2010
rosetta cheer sept 2010
Here is one of the Cheerleading Videos from Rosetta's Cheer Camp last week. She enjoyed every minute.
Give me a .... A!!!
Okay, so alot of things have been happening here at the Schulte household lately. I can't believe September is half way gone! We are busy little bees getting the House ready for baby #4 and attending so many different activities. Last Sunday we headed to see a family friend Vicki at her church and went to her church's carnival. The kids had a blast! There was cotton candy, face painting, games, prizes.... SO MUCH TO DO!!
They all loved the hula hoops...

Even Daddy joined in the action and showed off his hula hoop talents!!
We then met up with some of the birth family at a park in town where there is a beautiful carousel. It was a real treat!

Here are the kids with their Aunt Robin.
Monday started the week off with the girls first day of dance. I would have a picture of them in their leotards, except we had to eat supper before we left and each of them spilled something down the front of their leotard! UGH!! At least the first night they had nametags that we could strategically place over the ravioli stains!! Each girl loved dance. G loved her teacher and showed me her pa pow skills tonight ( I think she means pirouette-- but i could be wrong!) R is in tumbling and dancing and for the recital in may will have three outfits. She can't wait to where all the sequins and Daddy can't wait to sit through all the recitals!!! YEAH!!
Sunday was a day to relax... YEAH RIGHT! We had our carpets cleaned today so Sunday was spent taking everything out of all the bedrooms, living rooms, and loft to allow for them to clean. Needless to say Nate and I were exhausted by the end of the day and then we took the kids to Awanas and both volunteered in the cubbies room. Talk about a packed week. Hopefully this week will be a little less hectic. I will also be posting some videos of R's cheerleading so check them out!
Thursday was R's big day. She got to show off her cheerleading skills at a sophomore football game for the Bulldogs. We were so proud of her. She did a really good job and can't wait to be a buckeye cheerleader for halloween this year!
Here she is playing with some of her kindergarten friends before halftime.
The other two kids patiently sat in the stands waiting to see a glimpse of their big sister. Their first football game!!! Can't wait to watch the Buckeyes LIVE with them someday!!

On Saturday - of course we cheered on our buckeyes to a victory!! WooHoo!! I love football games on saturdays it is the best, the only thing that would make it better is enjoying nate's chili... hint hint honey you need to make some chili -- mommy is craving some!!
That afternoon we headed to our friend Sarah and Matt's wedding. We took the kids and told them there would be dancing! It was a beautiful wedding, even though it was more like a Hawkeye tailgate party!! :-) But the kids had fun running wild and showing their moves. X showed them how to "take care of business" (movie to follow). It was hilarious, it almost had me rolling on the ground seeing him dance with the big "kids". X also got his first love crush. nate let him do the dollar dance with the bride twice and a little while later, Sarah walks over to me with X holding her hand and tells me that he found her and when she asked him where his daddy was -- X replied that he snuck away to see her! :-) Better watch out for this boy-- he is already infatuated with the ladies!!
The girls participated in the bouquet toss... except for the little girls it was a teddy bear toss. What a cute idea!
Sunday was a day to relax... YEAH RIGHT! We had our carpets cleaned today so Sunday was spent taking everything out of all the bedrooms, living rooms, and loft to allow for them to clean. Needless to say Nate and I were exhausted by the end of the day and then we took the kids to Awanas and both volunteered in the cubbies room. Talk about a packed week. Hopefully this week will be a little less hectic. I will also be posting some videos of R's cheerleading so check them out!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Feathering the Nest
**Dennis do I need to pay you royalties for my blog title?? :-)
I have started to nest a little bit and we have recieved the baby furniture for the room so things are coming together. The rest of the house may look like a disaster most days but at least i can keep the baby room door shut and clutter free! Here are a few pictures of the room.
the baby's room is a sitting room off of our bedroom and there are NO closets so my great father in law made us shelves so there is somewhere to hang her dresses!!
AND here is the latest pictures of the baby belly. Getting quite large... and slightly uncomfortable.
What's Happening??
Where has the time gone?? First of all I can't believe it is the middle of September, the start of fall, football season, and only 6 more weeks until this little girl is due to arrive. Seriously where have I been? it has been crazy hectic around here in the Schulte household. Since school started (the last time I posted a blog UGH!) we have just been crazy busy with all kinds of little things. It hasn't helped that X came home on the third day of school with a cold and gave it to his sister's and mommy. Mommy's cold has lingered on for 2 1/2 weeks!!! I really am sick of blowing my nose and feeling lousy!! My ambitious scale of getting things done around the house has been a 2... and my laying on the couch sounds better than doing anything while the kids are at school scale has been a 10.
But as this week has progressed I have felt a little bit more energy come back and that has helped ( a little). It all comes when all the extra curricular activities come along. I am now mommy chauffeur getting the kids from one things to another. Sundays are cubbies - it is a Sunday school type program where the kids need to memorize bible verses and all three kiddos go for 2 hours. They were in it last year and loved it!! Mondays is Dance day - R is in tumbling and then a dance class for an hour... G is in a 1/2 hour dance class. Mark your calenders for May 21/22 next year for their big dance recital... R is so excited we got to see her recital costume and they are sparkly!! She has 3 outfits for the spring recital and then they have a Christmas recital in December!! Wed is Religion class for R and Saturdays are soccer for X.
So that leaves us Tues and thursday to stay at home and relax... YEAH RIGHT!
The kids have LOVED going to school. They wake up every morning rearing to go and wanting to head out the door before they are even dressed.
The two youngest ones have to say goodbye to the puppies everyday and X gives Archie and Dodger kisses before going to school. So CUTE!!!
But as this week has progressed I have felt a little bit more energy come back and that has helped ( a little). It all comes when all the extra curricular activities come along. I am now mommy chauffeur getting the kids from one things to another. Sundays are cubbies - it is a Sunday school type program where the kids need to memorize bible verses and all three kiddos go for 2 hours. They were in it last year and loved it!! Mondays is Dance day - R is in tumbling and then a dance class for an hour... G is in a 1/2 hour dance class. Mark your calenders for May 21/22 next year for their big dance recital... R is so excited we got to see her recital costume and they are sparkly!! She has 3 outfits for the spring recital and then they have a Christmas recital in December!! Wed is Religion class for R and Saturdays are soccer for X.
So that leaves us Tues and thursday to stay at home and relax... YEAH RIGHT!
For Labor Day we met our old neighbors from across the street at a Waterpark half way between our two houses. It was great seeing Todd and Janice again!! The kids had a ball playing with Zach and Jenna again and were loving being in the water. All three of them are getting to be water bugs.

A few Sundays ago we met a few families at an Ice Cream Social. It was put on by our adoption agency to get families with transracial backgrounds together. They had a great turnout and our awesome social worker Leah had fun games for the kids to play!

The next day, Nate and X went to volunteer at Bethany's annual golf outing for donors of the adoption agency. The boys went around on a golf cart meeting donors and handing out water bottles and frisbees. Here is a picture of the kids at the front of the clubhouse. We were one of a few families sponsored at this event.
Other moments we have been able to spend at home as a family. It is nice not to be running around all the time. The kids have really been using the swingset like crazy. ALL the kids are now able to swing themselves with little push now and then from each other. I cherish the moments when they are all playing nice outside together instead of yelling at each other and being mean to one another.
Daddy also likes to get a little swingset action in too!!
Everything is going well, we have the school routine down pat and the weather is turning cooler so evenings outside are WONDERFUL!! It's my favorite time of year and I have already started Christmas shopping!! ;-) (thought i should get some stuff done before the baby gets here and everything gets a little more hectic!!)
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