We also did a few earthly acitivies today. We planted a strawberry pot, planted green pepper seeds, and hung a birdfeeder.
R is still loving school. We tried one day last week taking her training wheels off her bike but i don't think she is quite ready and daddy doesn't have the patience yet. She also has learned how to swing on the swing all by herself. YEAH!

X is still a very funny, laughing boy. He wants to be outside all day if possible. Both him and G went to preschool screening in April and passed with flying colors. He knows so much and learns more everyday. He has really started wrestling and wanting to martial arts moves alot! Such a Boy!!!
G is still our little baby girl! She is growing like a weed. I just bought her a pair of size 9 shoes!! That is 3 sizes larger than what she wore in August!! Seriously!! She loves to play with dolls and dress them up and put them to bed and burp. She will be mommy little helper come October. She also is getting really great at riding her bike and has been able to take a few longer rides with her brother and sister.

Mommy is loving this energetic feeling and being able to get much needed things done around the house. I have been busy getting everything ready for our Race for the Cure on Mother's Day and that will keep me pretty busy every weekend until the race!! I am hoping to make it back to Ohio in May we will see if i feel like this it won't be a problem at all!
X is still a very funny, laughing boy. He wants to be outside all day if possible. Both him and G went to preschool screening in April and passed with flying colors. He knows so much and learns more everyday. He has really started wrestling and wanting to martial arts moves alot! Such a Boy!!!
Mommy is loving this energetic feeling and being able to get much needed things done around the house. I have been busy getting everything ready for our Race for the Cure on Mother's Day and that will keep me pretty busy every weekend until the race!! I am hoping to make it back to Ohio in May we will see if i feel like this it won't be a problem at all!
and Daddy has still been busy at work, but for the past week has been able to be at home a little earlier at night to play with the kids and enjoy a little earlier dinner. The one night we were done eating at 6:30 pm and playing outside...I was so shocked and it was sooo fun! He has started working out again and is still my grill guy at least 3/4 times a week. He has been daddy alone on the weekends lately while mommy has been busy with race for the cure activities and both daddy and the kids are loving it!!
That is what is going on here lately. We are hanging in there and waiting for our next Dr. appt which is tomorrow morning. Let's hope this pregnancy keeps sailing like smoothly like today!
Happy Earth Day Everyone!!!