Okay so it's been awhile since I posted a blog. We have been busy to say the least.... we have also been sick (walking pneumonia, nasty flu ....Yuck!). SO hence no time to blog, not even time to take pictures of our adorable kids. And to top it all off the day starts off looking like this today....

Seriously this is not a picture from months or weeks ago. This is what our backyard looked like at 7:30 am this morning!! Happy First Day Of Spring to Us!!

So things we have been doing since the last time we blogged. Well... we have been trying to get outside and play in the sunshine when it is out. We also did some baking. We made Grandma
Schulte's cookies (without lard) the girls really helped me out.

The kids are going through a phase where they wrestle and fight
alot... but there are some good moments where they are all friends. :-)

R has been loving school and she has started to come home with a few homework assignments. This is a
raccoon puppet she made at school. She talks about her friends
alot more and really likes trying to read books herself.

She also loves to play around... and be silly.

Mr. X loves being the center of attention... still. And has really taken a liking to the
wii. He loves playing Super Mario Brothers.

Here is one of my favorite pictures... since we have been
kind of layed up lately.... we have been doing a little more quiet days. Here we were laying in bed in the morning chilling after G got the flu and X gave her a kiss to make her feel better. Just warms your heart!!!!
Well i will try to do better at keeping this posted. Enjoy the Spring!!!!