We used to have 3 in diapers........ NOW (thank God) we do not.
We used to carry a diaper bag everywhere..... NOW i only have to bring it if the kids want to bring toys to a friends house.
We used to have smaller shoe sizes.... NOW everyone's feet have grown at least a shoe size. (not mommy and daddy's thankfully)
We used to be able to drive a car..... NOW we are looking into minivans (yes i am crying my self to sleep over this one, neil)
We used to go through so many wet wipes..... NOW we go through loads or toilet paper!!!
We used to be able to plan ahead.... NOW mommy's plans need to be flexible depending on the attitude of everyone in the family including parents. ;-)
We used to be able to sleep in..... NOW we awake to the pitter patter of feet down the stairs. (somehow daddy doesn't always here the feet and then gets to sleep in)
We used to have a lot less laundry..... NOW it is a mountain of clothes. ( but just this week i had r help me start matching socks and putting the kids stuff in the piles and it is going much easier)
We used to not be able to understand much of what the youngest two were saying..... NOW g and x have so much to say and tell us stories and recap what we did that day. Their vocabulary is astounding. (X was trying to teach his sisters what Patience meant yesterday Conversation:
Mommy says: you need patience and all take turns
X: (looks at his sisters) do you know what patience is, it means you need to wait and not cry and yell at mommy that it is your turn.
(i think he got it right on the head!!)
We used to do a lot of things..... but we wouldn't trade what we have for the world!!!
So sorry i went off on nostalgia..... been doing a lot of scrapbooking so it is amazing to see the change in these kids from just such a short time ago. AND now my little one is 3.
We have been opening gifts that came in the mail all week. It is really hard to keep kids away from packages that come in the mail and stare at them for longer than 4 hours. :-) Her first gift came from aunt kathy and she got a card (which she loves and carried around with her even to bed for a few days) and a deck of cards. So i taught the kids how to play go fish. It is the new favorite game around here... and they are learning what the numbers look like and matching at the same time. (why didn't i think of this before!!)
Then on friday we got a package from Grandma Judy! And in the box was.... drum roll...... bubble wrap!! YEAH Hours and hours of fun!!! Seriously. They loved it!!!
look at this little tushy!!! heehee
G was the first one awake on Saturday (she was just soooo excited) and i had started chore charts and one of the items is for them to put on the clothes mommy lays out the night before (even though they are supposed to wait until after breakfast!) so she had started to put all her own clothes on....... was attempting i should say. I woke up hearing the banging around of her trying to get her pj shirt off!!! heehee Needless to say by that time they were all up .. except dad.
We then had to get ready for X's last game of basketball. Daddy took him by himself and the girls went shopping. X was so stoked he received a medal and was sooo proud. Nate said he did pretty good and shot at he basket about 4/5 times.
We then met up for breakfast and the kids had mickey mouse pancakes... a real treat for birthday girl. AND a treat for mom no cooking ALL DAY!! Then when we got home an EVEN bigger package was delivered to the door, of course from Uncle Neil. G eyes were round like saucers and in it was a princess cash register... just what she always wanted (is what R said!!!)
Here is G talking on the phone with Uncle Neil, wishing her a happy birthday. Then because Daddy and I could not wait any longer... we decided to open all the other gifts from the family. 
Cash register from Uncle Neil!
Because we didn't have a party, we thought it would be cute if daddy took both the two oldest to pick out a gift to give G from them. X picked out a basketball in Ohio State colors of course!!
and R gave G more blocks for daddy to build stuff!!! They were pink too!!!