Okay i cannot believe it is the 17
th of January!! how is it the middle of
January already!! Please someone tell me where time goes?!?
This week has been a good one. Let's summarize: birthday dinner and celebration for my wonderful husband, a three day week for our princess (which means two days with all the kids at home!), sunny days and warmer
temperatures (which means we finally could play outside and take down
Christmas lights!!!), a three day weekend out of town (YEAH), first basketball game for X, and time with good friends.

Daddy's white chocolate raspberry cake... YUM!!!

Decorating daddy's birthday sign

But seeing that it is a new year... and new year's resolutions were made... i have attempted to get a few things done. My First New Year's resolution was to get more organized in life! Now some of you may be a little bit skeptical of ME getting more organized... but it can be done. I started by printing of a week list of things i would like to get done each day like....
sundays are bath and hair day for kids.....
Wednesday is computer time for the kids (where i will allow them to start playing games on the computer.......
Mondays are grocery day....
sunday night is time to set a dinner planner on meals i will prepare during the week... so on.

Wednesday i wanted the kids to play with the computer ( we installed a new game Aunt
Kathy got us for
Christmas .... Mickey Mouse) while the kids were playing in mommy and daddy's room, i decided to clean out the closet so i could supervise the kids while getting something accomplished. But it is not some small cleaning attempt.... I mean taking everything... i mean everything out of the closet, wipe down walls, sweep every inch of the floor and put all the clothes back which have been organized and folded neatly. BIG TASK...... but
sooooo worth it.

The kids helped me clean the closet out... they helped me take the "stuff" out of the closet. We made a game out of the shoes... i put them in a big pile on the floor and made them find matches... a Wonderful learning experience. When we had about half of the "stuff" out Rosetta comes into the room and sees the mess and points her finger at me and tells me "Daddy is going to be mad at you!" (little did i know she would be a little right... when daddy had a long day and couldn't go to bed until the clothes were put back in the closet and off the bed.
Now the closet isn't quite done...
Nate's side is taking a little longer... of course UGH. BUT i will post after pictures soon. My shirts are even hung up in ROY G.
BIV style!!!! love it!!!
Saturday was X's first basketball game.... i was a proud momma!!!
Look at our little guy. I will post the videos from the game soon. The ball they practiced with last weekend was smaller so he had to shoot with a much heavier ball this week. (we need to have him start lifting weights soon :-) There are a few of the kids that understand basketball and many of the kids... including X ... have no clue what is going on. We will be working on dribbling and shooting this week hopefully in the garage. We picked up a basketball to use in his new basketball hoop from G'pa and G'ma B. More daddy and X bonding time to come!!!
Then we were off to the Quad Cities for a night! We stopped for lunch to see our friends (the newlyweds) kara and scott and bryan (a soon to be first time daddy!!). We haven't seen them in awhile so it was great to catch up and share some good food at BW3's (our favorite place!!! We also got to see our dear friends the Boekhoff's. They have three kids and lived across the street until October! Our kids love them and miss them soo much. The kids were in heaven playing and spending time with their best buds. They also had a slumber party... in October the boekhoff's were the first babysitters for our children overnight!! When the kids were put down for bed... and i use the words put down... because they did not obviously go to sleep anytime soon.. the adults got to have adult time. We got to chit chat without kid interruptions and drink a little wine/beer and play some sequence.
Now it is sunday night and we are home. It feels good!!! i have my pjs on and nate and I are watching a movie and enjoying it!! The kids are all exhausted from so much excitement... we did not hear a peep out of them tonight. The best part out of all of this... our weekend isn't over!!! Daddy is home from work tomorrow for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Now that is another thing that has a whole new meaning for us this year. I tried to explain to the kids this week who Martin Luther King Jr. was but they don't quite comprehend it yet. It is a day to celebrate one of the world's greatest civil rights leaders. He is amazing for what he did against the struggles of racial segregation and equality among everyone.
My favorite part of MLK's "I have a dream" speech is this:
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day to you!!!