I think she had a birthday she will remember for a long time, she is our Princess!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Birthday To You!
I think she had a birthday she will remember for a long time, she is our Princess!!
Gobble Gobble
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving is Here... and Christmas is just around the Corner
We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time and miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.
~Kristi Larson
Just thought i would post one more time, before we head out to Grandma's House for Thanksgiving. Nate and i have been telling the kids all the wonderful things we are going to do and eat this week like...... pumpkin pie, and turkey, and Grandma Pam's chicken noodle soup YUM!! I can't wait to enjoy these moments with our family. This picture is of the girls this weekend. Nate made chili to bring got work on Sunday and finished off some of the bottles of Tabasco and chili powder -- so he cleaned them out and gave them to the kids to make their own chili.... BOY did they have fun with that! They took turns making chili and trying it in their make shift pot (cool whip container). The problem Nate fell into was that when he told the kdis that he was bringing all the chili to work .... they were upset. Xavier told him he had to share. It was sooo cute, so daddy caved and made an extra pot just for us!!
This was taken on Monday -- which was an awesome Fall Day. I wanted to get some pics of one of their last pics outside this year in just sweatshirts! We made it to the park and played on the jungle gym. The only problem was all the Asian Lady Beetles *aka lady bugs to you novices*
The kids had mommy flicking all the beetles off everything.
Here is Daddy putting the star on top. This picture warms my heart, I think of all the amazingly simple moments like this that Nate and I get to share with these three adorable children....and know that this is our life from now own. I wouldn't want it to be any other way.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Most Awesome Little Girl
What I am Thankful For

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Another Step Behind Us
The final court date for TPR (termination of Parental Rights) was today. Nate and I both went up to Vinton, IA for the court hearing. The father did not show up, which was a relief. The judge took testimony from our adoption agency director, our social worker and Nate. Both our lawyer and the Kid's lawyer was there.
The judge has not made a ruling yet, because he needs to read through the court documents and the evidence(affidavits) our lawyer submitted. But everything was positive! After the trial he adjourned and said he would notify the lawyer of his ruling he went off the record and talked with Nate and I asking us a few questions. I gave him a photo album of the kids to look at and he posed this question: "if your kids end up to be very athletic and are deciding between going to Ohio State, Michigan, or Iowa for school.... will you have a say on where he/she goes?" This created laughter in the court room and talk about Iowa/OSU football game. He also asked me... which i thought i got out of without testifying.... if we thought of how we are going to enrich the kids culturally with their African American heritage, and our thoughts on daycare (which i told him i quit my job and am staying home with them) and their future development.
At the end when he gave me back my photo album, he said "congrats" which i take as a Great Sign. All the lawyers said congratulations and we have been relieved and celebrating ever since. It has been a rocky road and a emotional roller coaster and it seems to be coming to an end... or at least a point where we can stop thinking about whatif's and thinking about when's.
ok, so next steps.... we obviously need to fill out some more paper work, which they have been putting off until everything was legally in the clear and we had a more definite answer. We are applying for a adoption grant through our agency to receive some relief on the adoption fees and then we are also getting some of their Title 19 (insurance) stuff taken care of before we can have the adoption day. The adoption day can only happen 180 days after the kids are in our home and so far almost 4 months of that is over!!! The date is around the first of February but they won't finalize until alot of the insurance things are transferred into their new names!!
Soon they will be Schulte's for better of for worse!! LOL We did figure out after playing candyland and Hungry Hungry Hippos that the oldest two are very competitive... so i know they are going to have some of the Blankemeyer Spirit to Win at all costs in them!!!! ;-)
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and thinking of us today. It really made me sit up taller and less nervous knowing that this was all in God's hands and that so many people out there were sending up prayers on our behalf. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.... now off to beat the kids and daddy in Candyland!!!! HAHA
The Schulte's
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday -
So the weekends are awesome, because at our household the kids wake up and jump into bed with mom and dad gets to sleep on the couch.... and then when dad is supposed to be watching the kids, he falls asleep in the chair! (get the picture?) BUT Nate has be awesome and letting me take some time to work downstairs on some scrapbooking projects! YEAH!!! I am getting used to my cozy little dungeon :-)
We took the kids to church this morning, they were really good! When they said the second reading, it started with "Brothers and Sisters" and Xavier looks at me and says he is talking to me!! and my sisters rosetta and glora!! So Cute!! The people in front of us kept looking and smiling because Xavier was saying the Our Father and he was trying to sing the Alleluia.
The rest of the day has been a lazy Sunday afternoon, mommy is making meatloaf and potatoes for supper and the kids are right now still taking a nap.
We are praying that Tuesday goes well, and will keep you posted. The trial is in the afternoon so nate and i will be going up and preparing with our lawyer.
The Schulte Clan
Saturday, November 14, 2009
This morning the kids and us went to a Kids Symphony. All three kids got triangles to play as music with the symphony. It was cute, but the kids weren't supposed to play the triangle s until the last song.... very hard for a 3 year old to comprehend.
Glorianna fell asleep half way through....but the other two had a good time.
The kids looking at their reflections... they loved being outside at grandma and grandpa's house.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Traveling Home~
Rosetta and Megan.....all dressed up and no where to go! ;-)
We are here in Ohio until Friday then we will leave so we can get back to daddy before he gets home from work. The week is already going fast and we will be back in Iowa before we know it. It was great to get to spend sometime in Ohio without having things to do.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Uncle Kurt!

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Fun!!!
So yesterday was a fun day!!! The kids woke up wanting to put on their costumes... it was hard to deter them from wearing them ALL DAY!! We decided to go to Autumn Acres a nursery not far from our house who in the fall have all kinds of fun things for kids to do like: a giant slide, corn box, corn maze, corn cannon, face painting, etc. It was a bit windy so we bundled up and headed up to Autumn Acres. We had friends of ours go up with us, Beth and Chris Carter and their 3 year old daughter Audrey.