So.... we started really hardcore potty training last week. I decided i wasn't going to go anywhere and we put underwear on all of the kids (
rosetta has been wearing big girl pants for weeks with no accidents) The first couple days were messy, and we had a hard time getting
xavier to go on the poop on the potty... but after many minutes sitting on the potty and reading books...... we had a breakthrough!!!
Now, after 6 days we have been pull-up free!!!! We have an
occasional accident but for the most part i think the hard part is over. I even went out an ran errands with them all morning yesterday and there were NO accidents!!! (I still carry an extra pair of pants in the diaper bag... not 100%
confident yet) Who said this
pottty training thing is hard? ;-)
Look at
Glorianna's face in this pic...... priceless... what a ham!!

This weekend went to fast! Saturday the kids went with us to the
oktoberfest parade (Mommy had to walk in the parade at the
Komen float) It was pretty crummy out so
nate just stayed with the kids a little bit, to get a little candy and i took the truck home 2 1/2 hours later!
Then Saturday night, we had a few friends over to have a campfire and roast
marshmallows! It was fun, the kids had lots of kids to play with and were really worn out when they went to bed. The yard was a wet the house was a disaster when everyone left... but so worth watching the kids run around and play nicely with the kids. Rosetta even said before she went to bed that "she had a really fun time with all her friends and want to play with them again and invite them to her birthday party."

Sunday, we very last minute decided to go to Des
Moines. We ate breakfast and decided to head up there and meet in the afternoon a family friend of the kids, who have helped us get some background and who we have been in contact with. We first went to the mall and while
nate and i took turns getting a few things.... the kids played in the play area... until there was a
biohazard and the
whole area had to be cleared out!!
Then we met Vicki, Tobey, and their son Joey at a playground in Des
Moines. The kids had a wonderful time sliding down the slides, stealing Tobey's hat, and playing tag. The weather was perfect fall weather... a little chilly but perfect with a sweatshirt on!!!

We made it home
sunday night in enough time too get our
pjs on and play a little before bed time. Yesterday,
the kids and i ran errands..... and then in the afternoon the
kids and i did yard work... we butchered some of my trees, picked up weeds, and mowed the grass. When daddy came home we were all outside....
rosetta was sweeping the driveway,
glorianna was helping me with weeds,
xavier was raking leaves (more putting the rake in the tree and getting it stuck!) and daddy was weed eating. It was actually a pretty funny site... and we would have pictures if we weren't all busy doing yard work!!!! ;-)
Today, the plans are to stay in the house... it doesn't look to pretty outside. And of course, mommy needs to continue packing for our trip this weekend.
We will keep you posted!!!
Thanks for looking....