Okay are you sick of hearing about our trip yet?!? I am just getting started, i have finished the two days we were in Bogota, now let's blab about our two days in the most amazing city ever!! And our plane flying in to Cartegena looked like it was going to land in the water! (my first thought was the miracle on the Hudson!!) but the runway was probley only a stone's throw away from the water that surrounds Cartegena, Colombia. We went from the airport straight to the hotel had a debrief-- which was great to recap on so much that has happened. We then had dinner at our lovely hotel which was great that we did not have to be in a bus or plane for a couple of hours. (Nate's legs must have been cramped!) I know my butt was sore!! So relaxing at the hotel for an hour was inviting.

The next morning we got our new armed security
guard, Cesar, and started where we left off. We
visited with a few clients who have graduated from trust groups to individual loans. They
receive more money than of the people would in a trust
group. The first man was a hard-working man. Fabio, who started getting loans in 2007 and has graduated to an individual loan to invest in his business and offer better life conditions for his family. He sells homemade snacks for schools and small shops. He gets up at 2:30 am cooks goes to the shops and schools to sell his product and then goes to sleep from 9 to 2 and then gets up to sell his snacks to the kids when they leave school. He has 4 employees and has already started to look for someone to subcontract his work so he does not have to work so hard.
A extra business that Fabio has (because no one we met had just one business!) was that he had 3
tvs and an
xbox and a
playstation. He then rents hours for 1000 pesos (equal to 50cents) for kids to play. Ingenious!! Nate wanted to stay and show them a thing our two on their
futbol game. But we had places to be.

Our next stop was Claudia's.... she started as a saleswoman of products sold at corner shops and/or on street corners. It was there she acquired two of her display cases to begin her dream:
owning her own business!
She has been an independent worker for 6 years. Her services are selling premade meals, washing motorcycles, Internet cafe, selling minutes for the cell phone (which quite alot of the people we met did this) . She started with a trust group and that is where she invested in her very first business selling roasted chicken.
She had a very good location on a very wide street corner and quite a bit of space. Her short-term goal is to suit the place with a covered terrace and improve the facade. She is an excellent example of what opportunities you can give these great men and women by given them funds to start!!! Claudia wants to this place to call the attention of all the people who walk along the street. She was very happy!! This is a pic of her son Christian. He was a cutie.... but was upset that i did not know Spanish. I must not of fooled him with my poor interpretation of a Spanish speaker!!!
We then met with yet another trust group (what a great bunch they were!!) oh... they had a two women in their group who had not paid their loan that week, one had been in the hospital but the other was there and they asked why she hadn't paid. She said it had been a horrible week. You just felt so bad for her! The rest of the group discussed this circumstance openly and agreed to give her only one more day to pay it off! It touched your heart. This little girl was a cutie!!! I wanted to take her home. And she was enthralled with Nate showing her the digital camera with her pic on it.

Okay you may see a trend in our pics... we took lots of pics of kids and babies! You know of course!!!! But you really see the impact/ benefit
the next generation is getting from these loans. Doesn't this little boy look like me?!?! He almost came home in our suitcase, but as
thoroughly customs worked me over i
don't' think i would have made it very far!!! Right, Nate?

Our last day :-( we really did not want it to end!!! The opportunity coordinators made it our choice if we wanted to go out in
the field or
just sight see this day. We were only in
Cartegena once so we decided we can sight see some other time and we wanted to get every client visit we could out of this trip. And boy did we make the right decision. The final day we visited the poorest of the poor. This community was only 2-3 years ago the city dump of
cartegena, the smells, the homes, were just depressing. But the people we met were happy and grateful and praised to Lord what they were given!! Amazing!!! What a show of Faith! This woman lived in this area. She had a store in her house that sold school supplies and medical supplies. She said she worked from 6 am - 10pm but so nights she gets no sleep because people knock her door to get medicine. She is the only one in the area that has medication, saline,
amoxiciline, and anything you can imagine.
Obviously they do not have prescriptions! She was newly married and her parents live near by. She was all smiles!!

And we just met more and more people. It's amazing because i did not even bore you with them all!! If you
want to hear more about our trip or see our many pictures just stop on by our house and we will fill up your mind, heart and time with
everything we saw!! If you let me know in advance I'll even make supper. I can make an authentic Colombian meal of Ajioca (colombian soup) Nate purchased some packages that you just add water and chicken to the mix. ANd we can pour you a cup of Colombian Coffee. Juan Valdez.... the best kind you can have! Juan Valdez and Shakira (the singer) is Colombia's Celbrities.
I can't tell you how much this trip
meant to us, it was insightful!!

Just make sure to keep in touch with our next trip to
Colombia... which will happen as soon as we can make it back and our adoption process (which is not going anywhere right now Nothing New?!?) Check us out at our blog:
Also think about visiting Opportunity
International's website
www.opportunity.org to learn more or think about going on
your own trip to see what they are doing. (ask
Nate and I and maybe we will go with you!!)
Can you tell we enjoyed it!!!!