Okay... Patience, Patience, Patience

That is what i have learned these past 2 weeks. I am a hurry up kind of person. The person who would had in term papers before the deadline, the person who is always prepared and on top of things. I have learned that relying on other people to be this same way is a losing battle!!
So you are all aware that we got our papers of a approval... then we had to get all of our paperwork in order. We had most of it done. But after I sent the adoption agency all of our paperwork TWO WEEKS AGO, I finally called last wednesday, since i had not heard from her.
Her response was: oh, i will go open that paperwork right now, and see if anything else needs to be done. -- I had overnighted the paperwork 9 days before!!!!! Why did she not open it!
And so now, we had to have our doctor's letter updated because it was longer than 6 months ago that we had that done.
When i called the doctor last week, his nurse said he would be in on monday.... Okay, i can wait to monday I thought. I brought the papers in on Monday for him to sign with all his instructions and a stamped envelope for him to send it directly to the angency. NOW - today i get an e-mail from our adoption agency that she has not recieved the letter and if it is not in soon other paperwork will be over the 6 month mark and have to be redone!!! God grant me patience......
The all could be avoided if i could do everything and not rely on the agency and doctor to do their part of the work. But if life has taught me anything it is I can't do everything, it will give me an ulcer!!! :-)
So, in the last hour i have talked to the doctor's nurse and know that the paperwork has been signed and is in the process of being notarized.... and promised to be mailed out today!! It is just so hard to wait. But in the mean time I can throw myself in to other things like Komen and packing fro our trip to Colombia on Friday!!!!
Keep praying that the paperwork will all be complete and sent to Colombia before we get there (i have already asked if we can take it down ourselves - that was not advised!)
We say they are happy because they did not give up.
You have heard about Job's patience, and you know the
Lord's purpose for him in the end.
You know the Lord is full of mercy and is kind.
James 5:11