On Sunday we had cousin Willy's birthday party, the kids finally had to be patient while someone else opened the gifts.... good practice before xmas day!!!
Happy 6th Birthday Will!!!
Today, I took R to meet her teacher and see her school which she will be attending. She was really excited. FIRST we stopped at the vet to drop the dogs off to groomed...and of course that cannot be uneventful!! Archie started to really shake when i brought him in and when the vet Dr. Lori took him from my arms he starting having a "vocal seizure" he foamed at the mouth and moved his jaw uncontrollably... before they could get the meds to stop it.... he was back to normal. BUT it was scary. POOR BABY!!
He was monitored all day, and he has never had a seizure before so they said it could be epilepsy or could be brought on by stress. So we are going to keep a close eye on him. They took some blood tests to rule out some things so we will see.... only our family!?! UGH!
Then we stopped by R's school.... she was super excited... but was VERY quiet while we were there. We met her teacher (even nate came from work to be with us to walk around!) looked at her classroom, and saw the playground she will play in. After we left the school, she talked once again... and wanted to play school with G when we got home! SO CUTE!!
Her backpack is packed and she is ready for school once we get back from Ohio.
Then the kids after naptime... got to make gingerbread houses!! They are really hard! I don't ever remember putting a gingerbread house together ... but they are not easy!
Then we made Christmas cookies all day. We made sugar cookies, molasses cookies, gingerbread cookies, and a couple more.... NOW my feet hurt and i am tired. So i am going to put my feet up and relax. See everyone soon!!!